"You are the book where you can read
and write your own history..."
What if there was a different way to write it?

Hi, I'm Dario Giuffrida

I’m a psychologist and a medicine man.


My work explores the intersection of modern psychology and the traditional culture of Sumak Kawsay – the ancient art of well-being.

This ancient art teaches us how to better adapt to constant change inside and outside of us. By learning from ancient traditions, we experience glimpses of meaning and magic. By using modern tools, we can integrate these glimpses into our daily lives and start living them.


A bit more about my background

“I’m a son and a father, I’m a brother and a husband…I’m all my relationships.”
  • Psychologist graduated in Rome, Italy.
  • Traditional Healer of Sumak Kawsay tradition from South America.
  • Keeper of Chanupa (Sacred Pipe).
  • Vision Quester.
  • Sun Dancer.
  • We can communicate in English, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese.
  • Founder member of “Fuoco Sacro Associazione” in Italy. This non-profit association works to maintain, support, and share knowledge of the ancient traditions of Mother Earth throughout Europe and the Americas.
  • Founder and Chairman of a non-profit foundation Sumak Kawsay “Iglesia del Buen Vivir” in Florida (USA).
  • Facilitator of Sacred Pipe, Sweatlodge, Vision Quest, and several traditional religious plant ceremonies.

Meet me at the place where tradition meets modernity and where action meets integration

My Services



Emotions that cause disease in our lives travel through time and across cultures. I provide individual counseling services to help you create a safe inner space to face, process, and integrate your emotions. I also provide tools for the integration of alternative states of consciousness.



While one-on-one sessions are efficient for working with people who wish to transform their lives, group therapeutic work is a powerful opportunity for healing and connection with a community. By joining my group program, you will benefit from the support and accountability of others with whom you can relate and share your journey.



I lead custom workshops and retreats for business teams to bring people on your team into complete alignment with your company’s mission and vision and within themselves.

The awareness of needing help is a magic key that opens the door to the path of healing


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